Recognizing Bronchoscopy Used to Take a Whistle on Asep's Body

Jakarta - The whistle lodged in the body of Asep Yaya (9) for two months was finally appointed. This small object was accidentally swallowed by Asep and made his breath sound like a trumpet and often made it crowded.

Quoted from detikNews, the appointment process took place on Thursday (12/20/2018) at around 08.00 WIB by a team of doctors from Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung for one hour. This process uses an endoscopic procedure called bronchoscopy. Is that?

"Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic procedure by inserting a tube such as a hollow pipe for rigid bronchoscopy or a camera in the form of a flexible cable and can be controlled by the operator to the airway through the vocal cords until the whistle is found," explained Dr. Dr. Fauziah Fardizza, SpTHT-KL (K) , chief neck surgery consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital to detikHealth, recently.

Bronchoscopy is usually done to find the cause of problems in the lungs, according to the Mayo Clinic website. For example, as in the case of Asep where the whistle is swallowed and is caught in the main branch of the left bronchi, or when a person experiences persistent coughing and abnormal chest x-ray scans.

Even though it has been lodged in Asep's body for two months, the shoe whistle does not have an impact on breathing problems, but if it is not immediately removed it can pose a serious risk. After the operation, the team of doctors will make further observations. It is estimated that Asep will be able to return home from Friday, December 21, 2018.

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